Was thrilled to be among many old friends while speaking at the Law Society of Upper Canada’s biennial communications law and policy conference, which this year was in Ottawa. Every time I attend this conference, am reminded of how important it is to bring together lawyers of diverse perspectives and focus us on finding ways to move law and policy constructively forward. Appeared on a panel called “And Now For A Word…With the Audience. Social Media: Disruption and Opportunity“. The panel description was “Social media is an agile, immediate source of news, information, opinion and content. It has the ability to break down areas of interest more finely than the narrowest niche broadcast services. To what extent is social media displacing TV and radio as the “mass media middleman”? To what extent is social media enhancing “traditional” broadcasting, or even integrating into it? The CR TC has suggested that social media can be leveraged to help support its policy objectives. Is regulation far behind? This panel will look at how social media is changing the conversation, for broadcasters, their audiences, and the Commission. Moderator: Margot Patterson, C.S. , Counsel, Dentons Canada LLP. Paper: Jonathan Festinger Festinger Law & Strategy. Panellists: Raja Khanna , CEO , Television & Digital, Blue Ant Media Inc.; Jason Kee , Public Policy & Government Relations Counsel, Google Inc.; Bryan Segal , Vice President, comScore Inc.” The link to the conference site is here: https://ecom.lsuc.on.ca/cpd/product.jsp?id=CLE14-0050199 As you will see there were many amazing panels including a plenary session moderated by Sheridan Scott who was a guest in Video Game Law this past year. A version of my background paper (more of a graphic novel styled survey of issues really) is below. Thanks to Larry Bafia, my colleague at the Centre for Digital Media, for his help and suggestions (all of which are reflected).