
Legal Contradictions Manifest in Video Game Worlds: Copyright through the Post-Structuralist Looking Glass

In the spring I was invited by my colleague Gaetano Dimita ( of The School of Law, Queen Mary University of London to participate in the second edition of an […]

Pitblado Lectures talk

On Friday November 6, 2015 I was honoured to be invited to be on a panel and give a talk at the Pitblado Lectures  in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This 55th edition […]

UNESCO Convention Roundtable Video

The video of my short presentation on “Relevance for Creative Digitization & the Internet” at the “Roundtable on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions – Impacts and Implications of the UNESCO […]

Randomizing Someone Else’s Creativity as a Form of Creativity

A few nights ago, I saw a friend of mine from Utah, USA, whom I know from a previous video game charity event (Darkwing_Duck_SDA on Twitter), playing a randomized version of The Legend […]

Game of Thrones Piracy

The first four episodes of Season 5 of Game of Thrones were leaked early online.  Interestingly, Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes has stated: “Our experience is [piracy] leads to more penetration, more […]

Online Shaming or Sadistic Trolling

There was an article in the Globe and Mail earlier this week about online shaming, including a discussion of sadism as an inherent character trail. I thought it tied in well to some […]

John Oliver with Edward Snowden

Here is the John Oliver interview with Edward Snowden that was mentioned in class today. Hilarious, sad, and insightful — all in one.  

Who Owns Your Data (Hint: It’s Not You)

Cool little animation from Jorge Cham, interviewing Irene Ng and David Reynolds from Hub of All Things: Cheers!

An Older Version of the Four-Chord Song

I thought I’d break from my usual raving rants-about-cryptography-style posts, and just share something a little funny with everyone. If you enjoyed the Four-Chord Song video from yesterday’s class (for people […]

Rogers Calls for End to VPNs

At a conference on 26 February 2015, a Rogers executive called for the Canadian government to shut down VPNs. Here is Dr. Michael Geist’s take on the matter. VPNs, or […]