
New Developments in Communications Law and Policy; 17th Biennial Conference

New Developments in Communications Law and Policy; 17th Biennial Conference

Was thrilled to be  among many old friends while speaking at the Law Society of Upper Canada’s biennial communications law and policy conference, which this year was in Ottawa. Every […]

The Creator’s Conundrum – Elisa Kreisinger on Fair Use(r): Art and Copyright Online

The Creator’s Conundrum – Elisa Kreisinger on Fair Use(r): Art and Copyright Online

Here is a wonderful presentation that wrestles with the challenges of art, law and remixing. A wonderful jumping off point towards both the legal and conceptual underpinnings of the course. […]

Prejudice Against Art: “Seeking Answers After Youth’s Death in Police Stop” –

Prejudice Against Art: “Seeking Answers After Youth’s Death in Police Stop” –

Seeking Answers After Youth’s Death in Police Stop – There is family tragedy and allegations of police abuse here. That must be first and foremost. There is also a […]

Kids & Creativity; a starting point

Kids & Creativity; a starting point

One premise of the course is to understand the impact of constraints on the creative process. Once a parent it becomes pretty obvious very early on in a child’s life […]

“We’re Alive” – the beginnings of “digital” television

“We’re Alive” – the beginnings of “digital” television

Was incredibly privileged to be part of an amazing and magical team that came together to launch the first “digital” local TV station in North America. It was September of […]

Getting Personal

Getting Personal

Even at this very early stage it is becoming very clear that building this course in the open is going to make this website far more personal then the website […]

Hello World

Hello World

This is the first real post to the developmental website for the course “Legal Constraints on (Digital) Creativity”. Or should I say the first version of the first post. Given […]